What is Faith

What Is Faith 

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If you have ever been in a stressful situation or severe trouble, one common phrase you may have heard countless times is, What Is Faith,  ‘have faith.’ This phrase is designed to comfort and encourage you by convincing you to believe that things will work out for the better. But exactly What is Faith? Does it refer to believing something without evidence or remaining positive in difficult situations? In this post, we define faith, its meaning, and its applications in our lives.

What Is the Definition of Faith?


Before we get to what faith means, let’s answer a pertinent question: What is the definition of faith? The English Dictionary defines faith as ‘a feeling, belief, or conviction that something is real or true without having evidence’ or ‘a confidence or trust in the abilities or intentions of an object or person.’

In the New Testament, the word faith is translated from the Greek word pistis. According to The New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words, pistis refers to the belief, trust, or confidence in Christ or God that springs from faith in the same. Simply put, faith can be defined as confidence, belief, and trust.

Drawing from these definitions, in Christianity, faith is the assurance or substance of things we hope for but have not received yet. It is a belief in things you cannot see. Generally, it exists only before you receive or see the results. If you have asked and believe you will receive, you have faith.

What Does Faith Mean?

What Does Faith Mean

So, what does faith mean? Hebrews 11.1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This shows us that having faith means believing in God and Christ, first and foremost, and His ability to give you what you ask for even before you see it.

A great example of faith in the Bible is seen in the story of the two blind men that came to Jesus for healing. Before healing them, Jesus asked if they believed He was able to heal them, and they said yes. He then touched their eyes and said, ‘according to your faith, let it be to you.’

When the two men opened their eyes, they were healed and could see. The faith they had that Jesus could heal them was the substance of what they hoped for and evidence of what they could not see. They had faith before they were healed when there was no evidence to support their trust in Jesus. This is the true meaning of faith.

Where Does Faith Come from?


Nobody is born with a natural ability or inclination to believe, especially in things they cannot see. This should tell you that you are not the source of your faith. In fact, according to the Bible, faith originates from God, and He gives and allots it to us. This is demonstrated in 2 Peter 1:1, which says:

“To those who have been allotted faith equally precious as ours in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Besides giving you faith, God is also the Author, Perfecter, and Originator of your faith, as written in Hebrews 12:2. So it is God, not you, who gives you faith.

How Do You Obtain Faith?


We now know that God gives us faith, but how exactly do we obtain it? According to Romans 10:17, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” This means that you obtain faith by reading the Bible and internalizing God’s words. For example, you didn’t believe in Jesus before you heard of Him because there were no words to believe. When you found out about Him, you began to read the Gospels, learning more about Him and His works then, eventually, you had faith. You have faith in Christ because you hear about Him from the word of God.

Faith and Action


One of the most notable names in the Bible when it comes to faith is Abraham, who is even call the Father of Faith. As apostle James points out, Abraham was commendable in his faith because he not only trusted in God, he also practiced his faith by obeying God’s commands. Abraham had such great faith in God that he was willing to sacrifice his own son.

The Bible says that ‘faith without action is dead and, consequently, living faith goes beyond just believing in God. You must act on your faith by obeying God’s commandments and serving Him. Paul emphasized this in Romans 3:31 when he wrote, “Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.”

Faith Vs. Belief


Faith and belief are often used interchangeably among Christians, and they can, sometimes, mean the same things. In fact, most times in the Bible, they are translated from the same word: pistis. This is demonstrated in the 2 Thessalonians 2:13) in the New King James Version Bible, where belief is used as translated from pistis, which means faith.

Technically, however, faith and belief are two related but different terms. The difference is better demonstrated by apostle James who differentiates between simply believing in God but not obeying his commandments (dead faith) and both believing and obeying. In James 2: 19-20, he writes, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you not know that faith without action is dead?”

In this passage, the word belief translates to pisteuo in Greek. It demonstrates the difference between living in faith and simply believing in God. As a Christian, you should strive not just to believe in God but to have faith in Him and demonstrate your faith through your deeds. This is living faith.

Final Thoughts


What is Faith? As we have established, faith is assurance, trust, and confidence in God and Jesus Christ and Their ability to give you what you ask for, even when you don’t have evidence. You can grow your faith by studying the word of God and praying. More than faith, however, Christians need to have a living faith, which is trust accompanied by action and the obedience of God’s word.

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